Carl has been a farmhand in Oklahoma, a disk jockey in Iceland, and a warship captain who has sailed the globe. He was reared in the dry-land farming country of the Oklahoma-Kansas border, where Hollywood goes to make movies about tornadoes. His parents tacked a National Geographic map of the world on the living room wall of their two-bedroom house, and he got the message. He’s hiked to the top of Mt Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar, and Half Dome, and into and out of the bottom of the Grand Canyon. He’s dived the Great Barrier Reef, ridden a mule down the Moloka’i sea cliffs to the leper colony of Kalaupapa. He’s been to the opera in Vienna, Frontier Days in Cheyenne, and kabuki in Tokyo. He’s sung at an open mike night in Hong Kong and karaoke in Bahrain, and he bellowed the “Star Spangled Banner” with his 500,000 best friends on the 4th of July in Boston. Among other things.